


16 Years Experience

Marlboro, NJ

Male, 40

I've been an audiologist for 16 years. I work with all types of patients, focusing on balance disorders, tinnitus, and hearing aids. As I have worked in an Ear, Nose, Throat setting much of my career, I am also exposed to much of the medical side of audiology. ASK ME ANYTHING about being an audiologist.

DISCLAIMER: If you feel that you have a hearing or balance issue, please be sure to see your local ENT or audiologist. This Q&A is not designed to treat or diagnose your problems.

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82 Questions


Last Answer on March 21, 2020

Best Rated

I asked the question about my toddlers abr. We are getting a second opinion. The radiologist came out and said there was a lag between when the ear heard sound and when the brain did. Aud said hearing was normal but abr was not. Later decided it norm

Asked by Jen34geg about 9 years ago

Ok well that's something a little deeper. If the ear heard sound but there was a delay to the brain...that is a deeper issue. Definitely, get a second opinion.

How many hearing aids on average does an clinic sell per year?
What is the average cost of one hearing aid?

Asked by bruce wayne almost 11 years ago

Sorry I did not get to you earlier as I didn't see this. The long and the short of it is that it depends on the type of clinic and what region of the country they are. I currently work in a large ENT practice with multiple doctors and audiologists. As a result, our hearing aid sales are in the hundreds. A small ENT practice may sell 150-250, depending on how hearing aids are promoted. Private practices will sell more as that is how the clinic stays in business. As for prices, the cost will vary. It varies by technology, as each manufacturer of hearing aids will put out 3-6 levels of sophistication. Additionally, each practice will set their prices, which may or may not include service, batteries, and specific warranties. At the end of the day, I've seen hearing aids sold for as little as $500 to as high as $4000 per unit.

Hi there,

Is it alright to wear a hearing aid during skydiving? Or will that cause damage to the hearing aid?

Thank you!

Asked by Neel almost 11 years ago

I was just at a hearing aid manufacturer's plant and asked this question. They are actually researching it.

My told we doesn't speak well and failed her hearing test and shows lots of signs of hearing loss. Had a sedated abr which was originally told abnormal then told normal and has a type Ad tympanogram which I was told was ok due to passed abr. Thoughts

Asked by Jen34geg about 9 years ago

I know having a sedated ABR may have been traumatic, but perhaps another one would be beneficial. Unless I am reading this wrong, the test was EXPLAINED as abnormal, THEN normal. Is that correct? The one test can only be interpreted one way. If your question actually indicates that two tests were done, one would be generally likely to accept the normal test. However, just to be safe, can you go to a different facility for a double check? If I did not answer your question well, please respond and give me more details.

I havemoderate hearing loss in the low and the high frequencies. 1000 through 4000 are within normal limits. Does this warrant a hearing aid?

Asked by Keri over 9 years ago

As goofy as this sounds, it depends on how you are "getting by". I have a variety of patients who struggle with all different types of hearing loss. Low frequency sounds can include all of our major vowels, high frequency sounds past 4000 Hz can include "f", "s", and "th". This can reek havoc on the ability to understand in background noise as well as with soft well as many other things. If you are having functional issues, meet an audiologist and left them demonstrate a hearing aid to see if you notice improvement.

My daughter has unilateral microtia (right ear) her sedated ABR test results state "response present by air at 80db and absent by bone" (right ear) what does this mean? does she have the "equipment" she needs to hear from her right ear?

Asked by Victoria about 9 years ago

Actually, that doesn't make sense. Bone response cannot be worse than air response. The only way that this is valid is if the test reached the maximum bone limits. If that is the case, the loss would be sensory, not structural. Personally, I would ask the audiologist performing the test to explain. There is no easy way to type this, but again, air cannot be better than bone.

how do non-verbal clients respond to air bone conduction test and speech stimuli ?

Asked by Samsam over 10 years ago

It depends on the level of functioning. Audiologists will work their way down the aging scale to see what kind of interaction a patient can give. We start with adult performance, then work our way down to pediatric test such as play audiometry and visual reinforcement audiology. If none work, consider an ABR, a brainstem test that does not involve response from the patient.